What It Really Means to “Go Quantum!”
The Quantum Coach Approach begins with you – wherever you are! Newbie or experienced... Having clients or not. From there, we find that mastering small consistent steps will build your skills and confidence to work more deeply and powerfully with your clients and create your vision for a coaching life!
The Quantum Coach’s Journey
Unlike many other professions, as coaches, we live into what we practice. Our clients depend on it. We are natural leaders for whom authentic living is the most powerful calling card. This is precisely why the Quantum Coach’s Journey Model begins with Soul-Centered Self-Care™ at its very core.
Walking a parallel path with our clients… imperfections included, expected and welcome… is a critical springboard for our success! It is from here that the real learning of coaching skills begins. As we circle around, we will fill your Coaching Toolkit to overflowing through Quantum Coaching Essentials™— The small-group Certification Training & Mentoring Program where theory leaps off the page into practice.
Here you will get the real coaching experience and customized support and mentorship you need to succeed. We will fill in the gaps other trainings have left you with and continue to support you long after your initial course is over!
True Lifestyle Change Requires A Quantum Shift
Have you ever noticed that helping someone simply be more “aware” or gain insight into themselves, their behavior patterns, lack of progress or follow through is often not enough to create sustainable change by itself. A powerful outcome of the coaching relationship is to help the client accept more responsibility for their lives and learn how to re-empower themselves by taking small consistent actions to fully integrate their learning.
This is why the Quantum Coaching Essentials™ Training & Mentoring Program requires coaches to experience the very same processes they will be using with their clients. This creates ease and connection in their coaching and helps them work from an intuitive and consciously connected place. From here they can meet their client where they are, hold a truly clear space for them, and co-create an experience that keeps the client front and center where they belong.
We need to help our clients identify the critical factors they will need to reach their destinations. Are they ready for change? Is there clear enough motivation? Do they know the risk? Are they in touch with the underlying commitments that may cause them to stumble? Are their goals really on target? What are the roles of shame, shadow, willpower or compassion along the way?
We help you navigate these waters to learn both the hard and subtle skills that make up the art of coaching. You will experience and practice the most effective coaching strategies while shifting and releasing the many well-meaning but less coach-like habits that get in the way of truly great coaching!
We’ll Hold Up the Mirror, Hold Your Hand
& Help You Face the Blank Page
“I just need someone to hold my hand through this.” We can do that! As solo-preneurs we must not only be good at what we do but at the business of what we do. If we could have a line of clients show up… we would be all set. To get that line to form there are critical steps you must take to let yourself be seen in the world.
The next turn of the Coach’s Journey will show you how to market from your heart and soul. Through Soulful Not Salesy™ Personal Branding & Business Coaching, you don’t need to ever sell yourself but instead get super clear on who you are, what you offer and how you will deliver it.
As you begin to spread your wings as a coach, it is imperative to learn how to distinguish your voice in the world and how most effectively to deliver your gifts. Do you know your ideal target market? Are you clear on your personal brand? Let us help you see just how the world sees you with a unique online tool that will help you create your coaching persona from the inside out as well as the outside in.
Embrace Your Calling & Step Into the Leader You Are
As coaches, we grow a community, a following of people who are interested in what we are up to and who tend to care about similar things that we do. Whether you are the leader in your home, family, community or the world at large, stepping more fully into this role. We are agents of change. We are Lifestyle Change Specialists and influence more lives than we may ever know. We offer regular opportunities and personal coaching and mentorship to develop your vision as a leader through Quantum Leap Leadership Programming™!
Your Learning/Growing Style & Environment Matters
Think about how you learn best. Optimal Learning and Growth happen through supportive experiences where you can integrate and apply what you are learning immediately. This is why we offer The Coach’s Journey through small groups (maximum learning cohort size 10 participants). This entire journey takes place within four additional learning environments we know facilitate change and progress. They put you on a solid foundation for success in the program and in your practice:
Your coaching skills will soar with mentors who work closely with you, give you feedback, challenge you in your own areas of professional and personal growth, who can demonstrate for you, and whose own paths you can learn from.
We have identified single-minded, meaningful focus and accountability as the magical pairing to create and build momentum in your progress. We offer this structure as we know it will help you quickly integrate your learning and build a critical skill for business and coaching success.
One of the goals of coaching, personal development and practice building is to “own all of what is.” When you do this, you are more in a position to respond vs. react to situations and create your future. Ending victim speak and moving into a more self-empowered space is key to success. From here we can learn to create meaningful goals, action steps and the follow through that directs your energy for high impact living.
Self-Responsibility must come hand in hand with a sense of deep compassion for self if we are to be effective, heart- and soul-centered coaches. We share with you the practices that will free you from old patterns that no longer serve you and instead help you cultivate ways to love and accept yourself through your own journey.
Are You Ready to Go Quantum?
Let us walk alongside you on the Coach’s Journey