The Coach's Journey Begins Here
Unlike many other professions, coaches are passionate about learning, personal growth and health & wellbeing. As a result, we evolve into natural leaders for whom authentic living is the most powerful calling card. This is precisely why our model of the Quantum Coach’s Journey begins with Soul-Centered Self-Care at it's very center.
Self-Care is a non-negotiable part of the Coach's Job Description. Our success as coaches stems from our willingness to walk our talk. Here is where many coaches get confused put the brakes on growing their practices. They mistakenly believe that they have to have self-care perfectly in order or that they must be totally healed before they can promote themselves and get clients.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Perfection is NOT on the job description! However, compassionate Self-Care practices are required. Imagine a profession that includes time for you to take care of yourself!
Ideally, we walk beside our clients on what I call "The Parallel Path" where our authentic, imperfect selves continue to learn and expand their level of compassion, empathy and knowledge about the practices and conditions that support sustainable change. Your self-care journey is your learning lab and a critical springboard for your success! It is from here that the real learning of coaching skills begins.
At the very center of the
Quantum Coaching Method™ is YOU!
Live Programs/Events
℘ The Quantum Gong of Self Compassion: 40 Days to Go Within & Beyond
The Quantum Gong of Self-Compassion is a simple and elegant journey of 40 Days designed to help you reconnect with yourself, reawaken your soul’s callings and be mindful and present in new ways.
℘ DeJunk-A-Palooza
Wherever the clutter is in your life, this intentional journey will help you clear the decks and make room for what is awaiting you for the rest of your life! It's simple. You can listen to another lecture on de-cluttering or you can get to work or get ready to take action! Learn a process that helps you in a loving, compassionate way get unstuck on multiple ways.
Virtual Learning on the Quantum Coaching Learning Hub
℘ Self-Care for the Whole Coach: The Non-Negotiable Part of Your Job Description
This video webinar is designed to shift the role of self-care in your life and fill your tool kit for yourself and for working with your clients. Includes Marilena's 12 Aspects of Coach Resiliency & The Self-Care Balance Sheet.
℘ Thrive: Journey to the 12 Dimensions of Wellness: Coming soon
Soul-Centered Practices & Exercises
℘ Love Letters to Yourself: 28 Days that Will Change Your Life
A self-directed journaling journey designed to expand your self-appreciation, self-compassion and self-love.