The Gong is a dedicated act of self-love that snaps you out of your daily trance
and brings the light of awareness to your consciousness.–Pedram Shojai
The Journey of Awakening & Self-Compassion
The Quantum Gong of Self-Compassion is a simple and elegant journey of 40 Days designed to help you reconnect with yourself, reawaken your soul’s callings and be mindful and present in new ways.
We love it because it is a simple loving 15-20 minute daily “imperfect” practice designed to help you reconnect with yourself and expand your self-compassion/love. Each day you will receive a lovely inspired email for your focus and contemplation. You will also be part of a private Facebook group, where you can share or observe as you wish. It is YOUR journey.
What is an “imperfect” practice? You will choose the same practice daily: Often a physical practice like a few favorite yoga poses, some tai chi or qigong. You may walk, draw, doodle , meditate or journal… or anything that will, for you, be something out of your usual, current routine. This becomes an anchor for you to connect with yourself. It is imperfect because, while we wish you to engage in this practice for 40 days straight, we know life happens and we have a special and compassionate way of dealing with those days you might not show up for yourself.
Inspired by the Camino de Santiago de Compostela along with its Sister Taoist Practices
The Camino de Santiago (the Way of St. James) is a large network of ancient pilgrim routes stretching across Europe and coming together at the tomb of St. James (Santiago in Spanish) in Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain. It is a 500-mile route that takes approximately 35 days to walk. It has been popularized in several films, our most favorite of which is The Way.
Traditionally, the practice of a Gong, which has its roots in Taoism, typically requires absolute perfect participation for 100 days. In other words, if you skip a day, you begin all over again. In our experience, we have found that if we allow for occasional lapses that come with being normal, imperfect humans, there is still much learning to be had, especially in finding our unconscious blind spots and how to cultivate compassion for ourselves.
Landscape Burguete, a small village on the Way of St. James
Why 40 Days?
While we have previously offered this experience over a period of 100 days, we have found that 40 days is far more optimal for a completion that still leads to transformation. Those who walk the Camino typically walk the distance in approximately 35-40 days. A lot can happen on that trail.
Also like the camino, it is an individual journey however, one meets other pilgrims along the way. Sometimes they walk in silence or conversation, sometimes they share a meal. Always our co-journeyers are our our teachers. For those of you who have the intuitive knowing that doing this with a group of other like-minded people will help you stay focused and move forward, we invite you to join us.
This program will most definitely will take your self-care experience to an entirely new place and show you more about those times you may choose to turn your back on yourself, disconnect, or self-sabotage.
We have also found that with daily support, we are more likely to stay on the path and connected to our commitment. This is why we love offering this as a group experience.
How The Quantum Gong Works

If you are feeling led to take this journey with us… here are your first steps...
- COMMIT: To 40 days of a simple 15-20 minute practice of your choice.
- CHOOSE: While all practices are welcome, we recommend you embrace something new. If you are usually more physical, try a more contemplative, still practice. If you are more still in your day to day, choose a physical practice such as yoga, tai chi, qigong, walking, etc. Repetition is key: You will do the SAME practice (8 poses, asanas, length of walk, journal, meditate, daydream, etc.) every day (not necessary to be the same time.)
- SET AN INTENTION: Not, required but suggested: Take some time to reflect on something you may want to bring to your walk... A question you want some ideas around? Releasing or Receiving something?
- ATTEND: A kick-off call the night before we begin; a mid-way check in; plus a wrap up Gratitude & Celebration!
Are You Ready?
Once you are registered, you will receive:
- A printable Quantum Gong Progress Tracker for your personal use.
- An invitation to join and participate in our Private Facebook Group (optional)
- Contact info for our Kick-off call the evening before we begin. (recorded for those of you who cannot make it).
- A Daily Email beginning on Day 1 featuring a suggested focus for reflection every day. These messages will also be posted in our Private Facebook Group.
It is solved by walking.
- Saint Augustine
3 Levels of Awakening
This is truly a journey of awakening from the inside out. While we will be co-journeying on this path we will all reach a different destination.
We find that through this process we move from sheer intention, through head-down, determination, and challenge all the way through to the ease of flow and knowing you have arrived.
It is indeed a journey... not a sprint. So please consider your commitment carefully. This program is designed to raise your level of spiritual resilience. How can you open even more to the learning which awaits you? You may begin with an intention for this journey... A question you wish to consider... Something you need to release or accept... or perhaps you just wish to give yourself the gift of being with yourself. There is no right or wrong answer... and sometimes it emerges on the trail. Your will know when it shows up.
As the days unfold… You will:
- Walk more consciously each day… becoming more present and awake to who you are.
- Listen for and find clarity in how you are being called to show up in your life.
- Easily release what no longer serves you.
I hope you will consider joining us. It will be an extraordinary inner journey of pure love for yourself you can take no matter where you live. We are holding a space just for you!
Whatever our path, the secret of life somehow always has to do with
the awakening & freeing of what has been asleep.
–Mark Nepo
What Participants Have Shared With Us...
It is amazing how much the commitment to this practice can open up your mind, spirit and heart. I feel more comfortable in my own skin and about the state of my life at this time. I learned of ways I could provide for my family and keep them and me as a priority as well. I am excited to see where this path leads.
Carrie Thrall
The daily inspirational emails made my day. I felt that each one was applicable to me and the kind of day I was having. The whole GONG experience helped me dig deeper and opened up a flood of possibilities.
Christine Boutross
The most powerful part of this process was getting to love myself more deeply. You DON’T want to MISS this opportunity!
Doreen DiGiacomo, CHC
This process gave me the space to think things through each day until there was a shift from it being a task I had to remember to a practice I didn’t want to forget. It is wonderful how such a simple practice can transform your life.
Lisa Feiner, MBA, M.Ed.
Let This Be A Gift You Give Yourself
The 40-Day Gong is about cultivating a daily practice of deep self-compassion and Soul-Centered Self-Care!
It is a dedicated act of self-love that takes 15-20 minutes per day and in 40 days… what unfolds is quite amazing.
The Quantum Gong of Self-Compassion is about Being ...not just doing and doing and doing more or adding to your To-D0 List.
All you have "to do” is show up for yourself, and be gentle when you don’t, and stay present… and the magic happens!
Don’t Miss An Opportunity to Experience This Amazing Journey!
(It only happens once each Spring...)
Quantum Gong of Self-Compassion™
Next Live Event Begins: March 19, 2020