A Different Kind of Detox
A Weekend of Deep Self-Care
Let's Not Just Talk About It, Let's Do It!
Are Your Piles Holding You Hostage?
Desk? Closet? Fridge? Mind?
Wherever the clutter is in your life, this intentional journey will help you clear the decks and make room for what is awaiting you for the rest of your life! It's simple. You can listen to another lecture on de-cluttering or you can get to work or get ready to take action!
When is the last time you really saw the top of your desk? Are you holding on to email, old magazines, or clothes that don’t fit? Have you ever missed paying a bill on time? Does your fridge reflect your healthy lifestyle? Could you stand to get rid of some stinkin’ thinkin’?
Your clutter piles, wherever they may be, are a major Distractor Factor™ and are constantly draining your energy whether you are aware of this or not! Can’t you feel it every time you see them (even if you no longer see them)?
What do we know for sure? This process works!! When you clear up not only the piles... but also handle the patterns that created them in the first place, you clear the path to having the flow you desire in your life and in your practice. In addition to that, the power of the small group is phenomenal at helping participants get into their deeper work and release what no longer serves.
You've Been Meaning To Get To It, But When? The Time Is Now!
The DeJunking™ Process is more than just organizing. It is a systematic approach &
a critical piece of the Quantum Coaching Method™ that can change your life!
Why This Experience Is So Powerful
Structure & Support
We will hold the space for you for 24 hours. Imagine what you can do with that time? We guide you gently through this process with specially timed INTEGRITY INTERVALS. Not sure where to start? We will help you figure all that out... and keep you going when you want to quit!
Our work intervals are intentionally timed to help keep your momentum going at points where in the past you might have thrown in the towel. You will receive the energy and support of a Master Coach who holds a space of heart-centered compassion with absolutely no shame, no blame and no judgement!
Group Processing
You will be given the tools to work through the feelings that sometimes get stirred up when we try to release the stuff of our lives. Chaos and stuckness on the inside is often reflected in our outer environments. If you simply clear clutter without handling the associated feelings, the clutter will come back! Work through the “What if” piles of old articles, workshop notes, books. Make decisions about how best to handle items with emotional ties to parents, children and other loved ones. Move toward creating the environment in which you want to live/work that is a reflection of you and all that inspires!
As I unclutter my life, I free myself
to answer the callings of my soul. - Wayne Dyer
Don't Waste Another Drop of Your Energy on Clutter!
Experience the feeling of freedom that releasing your clutter can bring. Let us support you in letting go of what is no longer serving you! You will reclaim and raise your energy levels to new heights!
Are You Imagining What is Possible? We Are!
Here's What's Included:
- Pre-Event Planning/Prep Guide for DeJunking plus BONUS Digital DeJunking Guide
- Two One-Hour Zoom Calls (Kickoff on Friday Evening 8 PM ET/ Celebration Call Sunday Evening 7 PM ET both calls are recorded)
- Ten live coaching check-in calls every 2.5 hours (Participate in as many calls as you like or are able to join.)
Please note: These check-in calls are NOT recorded. - A technique that will last a lifetime!
Additional Bonuses:
Alumni Group: After your first full weekend, you will automatically be joined to our Facilitated Facebook Alumni Group where the DeJunking continues.
Frequent DeJunkers Club: As many people wish to tackle multiple projects and love having the support of these weekends, we offer returning attendees a Buy 3 Get 1 on Me. We offer this weekend or our other Month-to-DeJunk format events (which also qualify) 4-5 times per year. We hope to see you there!
How the DeJunk-A-Palooza Weekend Experience Unfolds
- REGISTER: Once you register, within 48 hours, you will receive a DeJunking Inventory to prepare for the weekend, Call-In info & schedule and be invited to our private Facebook Page for the event.
- KICKOFF ZOOM CALL: Friday, 8 PM EST Setting intentions and full directions for the process and measuring your success (Live call is recorded and posted on the Facebook group*) If you are not on facebook we will email you the link for viewing.
- JOIN US LIVE: Sat and Sun 9am EST to 8pm EST with Virtual Check in by Zoom (or phone) and Private Facebook Group every 2.5 hours (You can participate in as many or few segments as you like)
Your Facilitator: Marilena Minucci, MS, PCC, NBC-HWC, Creator, Quantum Coaching Method™
During Our Last Event, Participants Shed Over 1000 Pounds of Stuff in 2 Days!
Here is what they had to say!
I feel like I made sacred some space within me, and around me, this weekend with this amazing program to more fully receive that which my soul desires. Thank-you Marilena Minucci and all the amazing dejunking warriors. It’s fun, it works and it’s transformational. It makes the impossible possible.
Penny Smyth, Health Coach
I absolutely loved Marilena’s DeJunk-A-Palooza. So many miracles and breakthroughs occurred during the weekend. The support of Marilena and my fellow De-Junkers helped me to stay on task, stay focused, move tons of junk and to see the fruits of my labor. The group calls were very empowering and nurturing. Not only did I get rid of stuff, I also De-Junked an energy vampire relationship that needed to leave my life. I never said anything to her. Once I got clear on all the energy that was being sucked up by what was no longer serving me, she just moved out of my life within a short period of time after the weekend. I highly recommend this event! You will be freed up on so many levels and leave feeling energized in unexpected ways!
Jane Stinson, LMT, CHC
Moving physical junk out of my house, was a small part of this experience for me. I learned, and relearned so much more on energetic, emotional, and spiritual levels. I just want more!! I can do anything with a chunked-down plan and patience, honor, and gentleness to myself. I don’t need to hold onto things, feelings of shame, guilt or worthlessness, anymore. I DeJunked them this weekend!
Jo Anne K. Richards, CHHC
Dejunking will change your life! I learned unexpected lessons during the process. I learned that when things come up, I need to be gentle with myself. Everyone on the call was able to speak and get the support they needed. You exceeded my expectations. Marilena gave so much to us and her inspiring words of encouragement were just what everyone needed.
Christine Boutross, CHC, NBC-HWC
Do it! It will change your perspective and lighten your load! I loved the energy!
Judy Kay
It is life changing. You don’t feel alone. It is such a soothing and gentle– yet moving process.
June Nies, CHHC, AADP
If you feel you have any type of clutter and you’re looking for a process that works, be sure to join Marilena on her next DeJunking Journey. It’s easy and there’s so much support you find yourself propelled to complete your goals. I was expecting to start the process and I accomplished so much more than I hoped. Wonderful experience and so worth the time and effort.
Alice Cale Director, CHC, NBC-HWC
This highlights the necessity of regular emotional processing whenever I resist doing something. This was the biggest aha for me: the connection between physical clutter and being stuck in life. It’s not inevitable, and now I see how I can handle it!
Robin Pruitt, Health Coach
That is what we hear from our participants time and again! (see some of their comments below)
Think of it this way. How long has clutter been a part of your life? What energy is tied up in your piles? Does it seem too daunting to get completed? Do you get started and then quit feeling discouraged? Do you promise to get back to it and not look at it again for 6 months?
This is priceless opportunity to get through it with no distraction, no shame and to look at what the newly found space opens up for you.
Imagine waking up on Monday with a clear desk, floor, countertop, your papers filed, your closet not attacking you when you open the door. What would be freed up for you?
Now, think about your clients? where do they have clutter in their lives? Do they have lateral clutter: Weight to lose? Money challenges? There are no accidents there. This is why DeJunking is a critical part of the coaching skills we share in the Quantum Coaching Method. We know this process is an entry point to deeper work with ourselves and our clients.
Well that has been part of the problem all along? Right?
One of the most powerful parts of this process is that we help you break down the pile (or the mountain). We start small and build from there. We help you see what needs to be done with new eyes and develop a winning strategy that will help you build momentum until the job is done.
With the techniques we share with you, you will be able to continue working long after the weekend.
Many participants buddy up and continue to get support after the weekend in our Alumni Group. Several even return for multiple weekends. This is why we have created a Frequent DeJunker Program: Attend 3 weekends and the fourth one is on us!
We encourage everyone to participate as much as possible but this event is designed to work around your life.
Need to take a break? Have other things you must do? No problem. You can skip part of a day or participate as little as two half-days if you must. (However, we will warn you: You will get hooked and want to participate in as many segments as you can!)
We encourage participants to continue to support one another.
We leave the private Facebook page open so that the sharing and encouragement can continue. You will also be joined to our Alumni Facebook Group... which is a spectacular group where you can get ongoing support and the magic continues until the next live weekend comes around.
As you have already probably gathered, the main benefits of this weekend come from the experience of the facilitated sessions and the “doing” of the work with small-group support.
During check-in calls, we debrief the obstacles and challenges have emerged between our calls. As we work through these, momentum continues to build a you will absolutely get more done as part of the event than you would likely do on your own. The techniques we share are solidly learned in the sharing of the experience. By the end of the event you will have really internalized the subtleties of the work and then can continue on your own and with the support of our Alumni group.
Absolutely, we welcome everyone!
While coaches often focus on the similar issues: their desks, their paper piles, etc., we find clutter seems to bring with it some universal themes for everyone.