As we passed the Winter Solstice this year.. a rather unique reminder that it is time to shed the old business came to us through the stars…
well or at least the planets…there was a Full Moon in Gemini… and A Full Lunar Eclipse on that same day! As a Gemini myself, I pay careful attention to these moments and what I learned was that we were called with that day to let go… let go of what no longer serves us.
As health coaches, the process of letting go of stuff, emotional, physical, mental and all other clutter is an ongoing obligation.. In this way we are always creating a space for what is new and is to come into our lives.
Sometimes we may think if we hold on to our clutter, we are safe.. but nothing is really farther from the truth.. An illusion for sure. We need to be free and as unfettered as possible by what no longer serves us in order to offer the best of what we are becoming to our own selves, our loved ones and our dear clients.
So 2011- time to shed our old cocoons- the ones we though were nourishing us… They did for a while.. but unless you shed them.. there will be no room for you to spread those wings and fly..
With Love and Light.. Marilena