Have you ever had one of those lifetimes where you felt like you were always behind? Ever since I was a kid I had a feeling like someone was tapping me on the shoulder and pushing me along. I felt that time was "running fast" and I was "running slow."
As the years fly by- and yes now they seem to fly faster than ever- I do have more than ever a sense that I have so much I want to do and so little time. Of course, I have a bucket list, but I am not talking about that as much as I am talking about the smaller list of projects that have been steadily accumulating in my life and in my practice.
When the New Year turned this year, I looked at all my piles and I really felt the energy pull it had on me. Down. Down. Down.
What was in many of those piles and files were lots of odds and ends, articles and ideas of projects that I have been meaning to get to and to complete… and the truth is… if they have not gotten done so far… likely they will not ever get done. If you are blessed to be a person who can generate lots of ideas this is likely to be an issue for you.
So I started asking myself about all these once seemingly "great" projects and ideas a series of questions:
1. Is this a project or idea I really love and still feel passionate about?
2. Has life evolved for me past this project?
3. Is this project/idea taking up space without paying rent? (Any return from it yet financial or otherwise?)
4. Is this project/idea meant for someone else?
5. Could I give myself permission to let it go and forget about it or would I alway wonder "what if"?
6. What am I afraid will happen if I let this go?
7. Could I bless it, declare that it was complete even in its incompletion and let it go back into the universe of potentiality for someone else?
Ahhhh. now we are getting somewhere!
Toss, Toss, Toss! How freeing that has been and continues to be…
What am I left with?
A much smaller pile of projects I still feel passionate about….
And now a new list of questions for this projects I do want to tackle with renewed energy!
1. What is it going to take to get this project/idea off the ground?
2. What has kept me from doing so up until this point?
3. Who can help me get it moving?
4. Who can keep me accountable?
5. What would it meant to me to complete this?
So the theme for me for 2012 has turned to COMPLETIONS.
What are you tolerating in your life that is not complete? It is SUCKING UP YOUR ENERGY! MORE ENERGY THAN YOU CAN AFFORD! CAN YOU FEEL IT?
Make a list of those things and systematically get them done. That is Keep them, Toss them or Delegate/Offer them to someone else.
FORGIVE YOURSELF for not having done them, and GIVE YOURSELF PERMSSION TO LET THEM GO into their right new pile.
For the projects you do want to tackle…. Focus! Break it Down! Get Accountability or Coaching! But commit to getting this done! Why?
- You will free yourself from physical, emotional and mental clutter!
- You will live in the present moment and be working on more of those things you feel more passionate about!
- You will seal up the energy leaks of your life and have more energy available to you for the new and good that is waiting to enter into you life if you will only make room for it!
And trust me… as far as ideas go .. big or otherwise… there are plenty more where these came from!
REPEAT AFTER ME: I am an idea magnet and I am clearing space for the ideas and projects that will take me and my practice to the next level of enjoyment and success!
Take the Leap!
Going Quantum With You~