In this magical year of 2012, only 4 days in, we are still setting goals and creating strategy for the next 90 days. First quarter is a hot time for health coaches to be getting the word out and connecting with current and potential clients who are ready to make change in their lives.
All change requires challenge and communication. Stretching into new ideas, behaviors, habits and patterns. Nothing helps us explore this with our clients more effectively than going through it ourselves as well. Now is a time to think about where you want to be challenged in these next 90 days too. Walking alongside your clients will help support them in ways untold and help you find the edges in your coaching and communication with them where you know you need to continue to grow and challenge yourself as a practitioner.
I spent New Year's Day on a spree of uncluttering piles of uninspiring projects that have not been tackled in the last 2, 3, 5- OK… even 10 years.. If you haven't gotten to them by now.. it ain't happenin'– you know? For me this is the process of raising the levels of both creativity and inspiration in my practice…and making space for what is on its way! Time for new, juicier projects that help me continue my evolution as a coach. Are you making room for your new inspirations?
There was a lot at the end of the year that spoke to me about clearing up miscommunication with others. After a month of telecommunications snafus including a poor internet line and phone interruptions, drop outs, bad recordings, and poor service providers, I was frustrated to say the least… and no, Mercury was not in retrograde.
Buying new computers, phones, lines, routers, and service eventually turned things around and provided a critical reminder of how important good, clear communication is: No drop outs, No mixed signals, no crackling on the line…
In an effort to take it to the next level and challenge myself, I decided to see what I could do about getting these new computers to talk to one another. I headed to the Mac Store, where after all, at the Genius Bar, you are sure to get the answers to all of life's major questions. It was there that I was told that I would have to enter into "The Cloud." Really, I said- where is this "said cloud"- how do you get there and who else will I find there if I go? I asked this with strains of Mick Jagger filtering into my brain… (Hey! You! Get Off of My Cloud for those not old enough to remember- including the Genius who was helping me.)
I was loaded up with what I needed and sent off with a new challenge for the new year. We will see how it goes.
Once I left there I started picturing all of us – each with our clouds walking around…… and then there is the big cloud- maybe our technological collective unconscious? Who knows…but it begs the question I want to ask you… What is going on in your Cloud? Where do you need to foster better connection in your life? Who needs to hear from you? Where is there communication clutter? How is your communication skill as a coach? We can all do better, we can all afford to come back to the basics and review again and again.
In simpler times and treasured moments now, we take the time to sit and watch clouds rolling by — a tiger, a dog, a flower…..
Somehow, I still like those clouds better. Sit by me and let's watch a few together.. let's have a chat and see what we learn.
In the meantime, I will remember other good rules of Cloud Communication:
- Listen twice as much as you Talk.
- State your Purpose Clearly and Simply.
- Tell the Truth Compassionately.
- Convey Your Ideas with Passion.
- Seek to Inspire the Other.
- Bring and Umbrella Just in Case.
- Stick with it and you can count on the Sunshine!
Many Blessings for the Wonderment of 2012!
Going Quantum with you!