In this season of focusing on Gratitude, I find my heart and mind easily gravitate toward all the wonderful blessings I experience regularly. Maybe for you this is just an extension of an already existing gratitude practice. Typically, when I am asked, “What are you grateful for?” my mind begins to take inventory of everyone I know and everything currently going on in my life. I continue to scan as I look for the highlights… the things on the list that make me happy or bring me joy.
- Expand your faith that all is unfolding in a way that could serve you.
- Show you you’re stronger and more resilient that you believe.
- Let you know that love can conquer everything including death.
- Help you finally get free of feeling like a victim and step into new possibilities.
- How is this person or circumstance my teacher?
- What am I not seeing that I am meant to see?
- What do I need to let go of in order to be free?
- What do I need to hold on to?
- Am I standing in my power and my integrity?
- What am I afraid of will happen if I let go of this (this circumstance, this person, this story, this feeling. etc.)?
- How can I pour love on it ?
- What is truth vs fiction?
How can I be gentler with myself in this situation?
What is a radical act of self-love or self care I can do today?
When others are Involved:
- What is the other person’s main concern, fear, worry?
- How is the other person trying to make sense of it, get love, get what they need?
- Would I rather be right or in relationship?
So, I choose to be thankful these days for the deepest sorrows and challenges of my life. They teach me daily where I am strong and where I still need to learn and grow and do some work. They teach me that as alone as I may feel, I am never truly alone… I am reslilient and have cultivated the ability to ask for help which often arises in the most unlikely of places…
In the tearing down eventually there is more light that can shine through.. and the ability for the human spirit to always resurrect itself from the ashes no matter how broken we may feel. What does not change in the midst of this is that you continue to be whole as impossible and implausible as that may seem.
Whether you observe Thanksgiving as a holiday or not where you live, consider blessing something that would otherwise irritate the stuffing out of you. Before you step away from something you find difficult to “be with,” try stepping toward it even if for a moment and say “thank you.” Let me see what I am meant to see or learn about myself through the mirror of what is being shown to me.
Our continued openness, ability to learn, grow and transcend. Now, that is something for which to be truly thankful.
Going Quantum With You—
PS. Here is an extra credit question for today:
List 10 ways you are thankful for yourself today!