Hello Everyone and Welcome to the Stuck Free Summer 2010 Success Club…
We are meeting at the virtual beach.. where sand does not get into your computer.. but hey the water it great!
So tonight we dipped our toes in… Why are we stuck… Life is a series of stuck and unstuck places. The key is to learn enough from the stuck places to move forward again, gain momentum and even feel the joy of flying…
How do we know we are stuck? Our Distractor Factors show us the way.. we procrastinate, we are perfectionistic, we are compulsive… we do everything we can to give us a reason and rationale for playing it small.. Our "Master Distractor Factor" is our "story".. the ultimate reason why "WE CAN"T"!
When will we stop picking the low hanging fruit.. and get to the beauties at the top of the tree.. ok that is a mixed metaphor right?? So when will we stop standing at the edge of the water- our feet in the surf- and go out there and catch that amazing wave???
So where are you stuck? What are your Distractor Factors? How are you stuck in your story.. and where do you want to go from here… Tell us.. we wan't to know…
Going Quantum with You…