Have you ever had one of those lifetimes where you felt like you were always behind? Ever since I was a kid I had a feeling like someone was tapping me on the shoulder and pushing me along. I felt that time was "running fast" and I was "running slow." As the years fly by- […]
I Went Into “The Cloud” and Found Myself Lost in the Fog
In this magical year of 2012, only 4 days in, we are still setting goals and creating strategy for the next 90 days. First quarter is a hot time for health coaches to be getting the word out and connecting with current and potential clients who are ready to make change in their lives. All […]
The Zipline of Life
I have always loved the philosophy that says we must do something we are afraid of every day… For years I kept a quote on my desk that said, “The very thing you are afraid of, is the very next thing that you must do!” As coaches, we are always supporting our clients to “feel […]
Cracking the Ice
It has been a cold winter in NYC this year. More snow than I can ever remember. More desire to just get under the covers, stay warm, read, drink tea… in other words… Hibernate. This has been a season which reminds us we have to slow down…. snow and ice make it so. Travel…even every […]
Finding Your Direction…Knowing the Way
At this beginning of 2011… I am still settling in… getting my bearings and a sense of what direction this year will take me as well as where I want to go… I just returned from a week in Southern California where the weather was glorious and I had a lesson in finding my way…. […]
2011- New Year- Old Business?
As we passed the Winter Solstice this year.. a rather unique reminder that it is time to shed the old business came to us through the stars… well or at least the planets…there was a Full Moon in Gemini… and A Full Lunar Eclipse on that same day! As a Gemini myself, I pay careful […]
How To Own Your Own Beach
So you say you want beachfront property… a place with a view of the sea… I know I do! What will it take to get there? Spending time by the sea always gets me connected… to source and to myself… so naturally I want more of that… Even though I don't have that house by […]
Inner Tube or Inner Warrior?
Do we have to choose? Floating down the lazy river… calls for and inner tube to support you in going with the flow… Other days and situations call for your Inner Warrior to become involved. This agent of action is often sidelined because we peg them as having to be agressive or confrontational. In truth, […]
Beginning to Get Out of the Quicksand
I did some YouTubing this week to really understand the nature of quicksand. I used to see it in movies and think well quicksand is mostly the end of you. However what I learned this week is that quicksand is not usually as deep as you think it is… and if you simply stop fighting […]